I am quoting Divyabhanusinh from his article on Cheetah where he talks of Dr Asad Rahmani and Dr MK Ranjitsinhs views on reintroduction sites.

Divyabhanusinh writes:
“Feers for the cheetah becoming extinct grew and the topic was debated by the Indian Board of Wildlife in 1952 and it called for ‘assigning special priority for the protection of the cheetah in central India’. In 1955, its members talked of a ‘bold experiment’ to preserve the animal, but by that time it was too late.

The question of reintroduction of the cheetah has been discussed on and off in Government and other circles. In the 1980s, Dr Asad Rahmani, a scientist from the Bombay Natural History Society, conducted a survey for identifying sites for its possible reintroduction. Though his report was not formally made available he informed the author that in his view no suitable site was available”.

He further mentions that “Dr MK Ranjitsinh prepared a preliminary project proposal and identified Khadir bet (island) in the Great Rann of Kutch as a possible site for reintroduction. It is 320 square kilometers in extent and is remote enough to have little interference in the monsoon. The chinkara, nilgai, wild boar, wild ass Equus hemionus, hare and peacock Pavo cristatus exist. Blackbuck are not found on the island, but the habitat is suitable and they could be introduced. Of the predator species, caracal, desert cat Felis lybica and fox Vulpes vulpes, would compete with the cheetahs on a part of their prey base. To start with cheetahs could be released in a small enclosure of say 1000 acres could support eight to ten”.

If Iran is willing to transfer cheetahs if they get lions, then the Gujarat Govt. should agree. Great Rann of Kutch can serve as a reintroduction site for Asiatic cheetah initially.